분류 전체보기 1058

Two-The Photographs in the Dark Museum House(5)

If I was too young to understand the underlying cause of these disputes--that my family, still living as it had done in the days of the Ottman mansion, was slowly falling apart--I could not fail to notice my father's bankcruptcies and his ever-more-frequent absences. I could hear in more detail how bad things were whenever my mother took my brother and me to visit our other grandmother in her g..

Two-The Photographs in the Dark Museum House(4)

My prolonged study of these photographs led me to appreciate the importance of preserving certain moments for posterity, and in time I also came to see what a powerful influence these framed scenes exerted over us as we went about our daily lives. To watch my uncle pose my brother a math problem, and at the same time to see him in a picture taken thirty-two years earlier; to watch my father sca..

Two-The Photographs in the Dark Museum House(3)

Never having seen them put to any other use, I assumed pianos were stands for exhibiting photographs. There was not a single surface in my grandmother's sitting room that wasn't covered with frames of all sizes. The most imposing were two enormous portraits that hung over the never-used fireplace; One was a retouched photograph of my grandmother, the other of my grandfather, who died in 1934. F..

만경강에서 - 옥구 염전에서 심포리까지(2)

바다의 짠맛과 햇볕의 향기로 소금은 탄생한다 옥구 염전은 올해의 첫번째 소금을 거두기 시작했다. 갯고랑에서 끌어올린 바닷물이 6단계의 저수장을 거치면서 증발하고 마지막 결장지에서 소금을 이룬다. 염전 사람들은 소금이 결장지 바닥에 엉기는 사태를 '소금이 온다'고 말한다. 소금은 멀리서 ..

만경강에서 - 옥구 염전에서 심포리까지(1)

밀물의 서해는 우주의 관능으로 가득하다. 달이 하루에 두 번씩 물을 끌어당겨서 바다를 부풀게 하는 자연 현상과 달이 한 달에 한 번씩 여자의 목숨을 빨아당겨서 부풀게 하는 생명현상이 모두 다 조(潮)이다. 밀물의 서해는 우주의 관능으로 가득하다. 내 조국의 서해는 어떠한 바다인가. 서해는 조..

사랑은 아무나 하고, 아무 때나 해라

한 시절 젊은이들이 쓰던 유행어가 있다. '밤일낮잠'. 밤에 일하고 낮에 잔다는 말이다. 화투판 용어인 '밤일낮장'에서 빌려온 우스개다. 아닌 게 아니라 청춘의 정력은 참으로 절륜하다. 그들에게 밤은 없다. 무도장은 플로어에 발 디딜 틈이 없고, 심야극장은 빈 좌석을 찾기가 어려우며, 집에서는 채..

Two-The Photographs in the Dark Museum House(2)

If she thought we weren't sitting peoperly on her silver-threaded chairs, our grandmother would bring us to attention. "Sit up straight!" Sitting rooms were not meant to be places where you could pounge comfortably; they were little museums designed to demonstrate to a hypothetical visitor that the householders were westernized. A person who was not fasting during Ramadan would perhaps suffer f..