Texts and Writings/My poems


그림자세상 2010. 10. 28. 08:25

화살                                                                   An Arrow


여 국 현



서늘한 가을 아침                                                     on a cool autumn morning

진홍빛 단풍나무 사이                                               Between the crimson maple

무수한 화살들이 날아와 내 가슴에 꽂힌다                    A good many of arrows hit in my heart


누가 쏜 화살이기에 이리도 감미로운가                        Who did shoot these sweet arrows!

어이 날아오는 화살이기에 피할 수도 없는가                 I was not able to avoid the arrows, Why?


나는 기꺼이 그 화살의 과녁이 되어                             How happy I was

가슴에 꽂혀오는 무수한 화살을                                  To be their target, and willingly I welcomed

기쁘게 받아들인다                                                   The arrows hitting in my heart


가장 멀리서                                                            An arrow

가장 곧고 가장 빠르게 날아온                                    Sent from the farthest distance

화살 하나                                                               Most straightly and fast

내 심장에 비수처럼 꽂힌다                                        Plunged in my core of heart like a dagger


진홍빛 단풍나무                                                     The crimson maple has turned

내 가슴의 피로 붉디 붉게 물들었다                            Red deeply with my blood

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