Texts and Writings/My poems

길 위에서 1

그림자세상 2010. 9. 21. 15:57

길 위에서 1                                                     on the road


여 국 현                                                               Yeo Kookhyun



멈춰 서기 전에는 몰랐다                                        Before I stop walking, I didn't know

길은                                                                   The road,

다만 걷고 나아가기 위해서만 있는 게 아니라는 걸      Is not only for walking and moving forward 


멈춰 서고 나서야 비로소                                        After I stop walking, for the first time,

내가 걸어온 길이 또렷하게 보이고                           The way I have trodden is seen clearly

내가 걸어가는 길이 환하게 다가왔다                        The way I am walking is approaching brightly


삼나무 가득한 사이                                               Between the japanese cedars dense

바닷바람 불어오는 새벽                                         On the lane of dim light

안개 가득한 박명의 길 위에서                                 At the dawn with a sea wind breezing

가던 걸음 멈추고                                                  When I stopped for a moment

가만히 눈 감고 앉은 찰나                                       Sitting silently with closing my eyes


마음의 눈이 환하게 빛나고                                     My inward eyes shinning brightly,

걸어온 길과                                                         The ways trodden and

걸어갈 길이 한 데 만나                                          The ways to be trodden by me meet together,

침묵 속에 도란도란                                               Embracing each other warmly,

서로를 보듬어 안는다                                            Talking in silence


길 위에 가만히 멈춰 서서야 비로소 알았다                I know for the first time after stopping on the road 


길은                                                                  The road,

다만 걷기 위해서만 있는 게 아니라는 것을               It isn't for walking only

삶은                                                                  My life,

다만 나아가기 위해서만 주어진 것이 아니라는 것을   It hasn't been given for going forward,  


길 위에 멈춰 조용히                                            The light in my mind,

눈 감고 귀 막고 보고 듣는                                    The voice of my heart,

마음의 빛                                                          Seen and heard on the road in silence

마음의 소리가                                                    With closed eyes and ears, are



내 길 내 삶의 걸음                                              My steps of my way and my life

내 길 내 삶의 고갱이라는 것을                              The core of my way and my life


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