Texts and Writings/Orhan Pamuk - Istanbul 25

Two-The Photographs in the Dark Museum House(2)

If she thought we weren't sitting peoperly on her silver-threaded chairs, our grandmother would bring us to attention. "Sit up straight!" Sitting rooms were not meant to be places where you could pounge comfortably; they were little museums designed to demonstrate to a hypothetical visitor that the householders were westernized. A person who was not fasting during Ramadan would perhaps suffer f..

Two-The Photographs in the Dark Museum House(1)

My mother, mr father, my older brother, my grandmother, my uncles, and my aunts--we all lived on different floors of the same five-story apartment house. Until the year before I was born, the different branches of the family had (as with so many large Ottoman families) lived together in a stone mansion; in 1951 thet rented it out to a private elementary school and built on the empty lot next do..